Welcome. You are taking the version of this assessment updated on September 11, 2024. Stage 1: Section 1: Are You Solving A Problem For A Clearly Defined Lucrative Market?Here, I will ask questions to help me know if you have this part well fixed. Shall we? What problem does your business provide solution for? Deselect Answer Well, we believe our business will make the world a better place so we solve all possible problem our customers have Our product helps improve some certain things for a broad range of customers We honestly didn't set up our business with solving a problem in mind, we just saw a moving market and just built a business around it. We have decided to focus on a set of people and we help them overcome some set of things we have expertise in None If you had all the money to market and acquire customers, do you have an idea of the most amount of money your business can make? Deselect Answer We believe there's a large demand for what we offer, we are doing our best to grow Everyone could potentially benefit from our product/service so the amount of money we can make is unlimited, so far we put in the work We did some research and estimated our target market to consist of a certain number of potential customers at a certain figure We honestly haven't done some research yet, for now, we are just focus on getting clients None Just Testing This Deselect Answer This That None Full Name Business Name Time's up